Sunday, March 27, 2016

Don’t forget your reusable bag!

It is in the news, the authorities in Osorno are taking action and finally the plastic bags are going to be thrown away by June. I am really happy with the idea of using reusable shopping bags because plastic bags pollute soil and water and spoil our beautiful city and landscapes. Besides, plastic bags are made of oil that could be better used for fuel and heating. 

People should be more responsible and sensitive about the environmental problems and the use of reusable bags is a good option to start taking action. Our grandchildren and their children will thank us for trying to live more sustainably.

Due to this change people in Osorno will have to learn to carry their own reusable bags to go to supermarkets and even shops, otherwise they will have to buy a bag every time they go shopping. 

The downside of this new idea is how difficult it will be to change people's way of thinking. People have lived their whole life using plastic bags for everything. How can we change people's behavior? I think authorities should campaign to promote reusable bags, they can advertise in schools, hospitals, bus stops, local radio stations, newspaper and network as well as use the media to spread the message: Don’t forget your reusable bag!

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